Academic Input

Teaching-Learning Process

In order to cope up with the needs of dynamic market, the following efforts have been made by the institution to enrich and organize the curriculum to enhance the experiences of the students:

1. In-house practical training is given to the students in the various activities organized by the institute.
2. The institute has set up entrepreneur development cell to give more insight about entrepreneurial activities.
3. The various management event(s)/competition(s) are organized by all the department.
4. The institute organizes an annual fest ‘Aahavn’ in which students get an opportunity to showcase their talent. The students from other institutes also participate in this fest.
5. The faculty members cover some contents beyond syllabus as per the industry requirements.
6. The institute has subscribed to various reputed international and national journals (Both offline and online).
7. The faculty members and students are encouraged to get their research work published.
8. The faculty members are sponsored for attending faculty Development Courses to harness their skills.

Curriculum Enrichment

In order to integrate the academic programmes and institution’s goals and objectives, the following efforts are being made by the institution:

The institute has made a transition from input based education to outcome based education. The minor and major projects, assignments, case studies are given to the students.

The contents beyond syllabus are identified as gap areas in the curriculum and contemporary issues relevant to the domain are taught in the class room.

In order to make the students aware about the practices being followed in industry, the persons from industry and adjunct faculty (from industry) are invited for delivering expert lectures to the students and faculty of the institute.

The training workshops are arranged for the students from time to time.

The students undergo summer/ industrial training after I year.

Peer-to-peer learning and project based learning are encouraged.

Joint research with faculty members are encouraged.

MOOCs, and other Industry Certifications courses are done by the students.

Emphasis on Alumni interaction to get more insight about the corporate world.

Curriculum Planning

The Institute deploys the following action plans for the smooth implementation of curriculum:

Course File

  • Day-wise teaching plan for the whole course curriculum to be covered in the semester.
  • Planning of monthly assignments
  • Study Material provided to each student
  • Academic Calendar showing the schedule of academic support activities of the semester. Department-wise timetable is prepared well before the start of the classes and is followed throughout the semester.
  • Curriculum is divided as per Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow
  • Students are given assignments as per the plan

Outcome Based Education

The programme educational objectives (PEOs), programme specific objectives (PSOs) and course outcomes (Cos) have been defined for all the programmes and courses.

The mapping of vision, Mission, PEOs, POs, PSOs and course outcomes (Cos) is done.

The course objectives and outcomes are designed on the basis of Bloom’s Taxonomy.

Seminars/Expert lectures by the faculty from other reputed institutes and industry are arranged for the students and faculty members.

To provide the students with hands on experience industrial visit is organized for all the students.

The continuous evaluation of the students is done through 03 tests every semester.

Faculty Development programmes & Initiatives

The institute has a major focus on continuous faulty development and it is a priority area of the institute. Faculty development programs (FDPs) have proven to be successful for improving teaching skills in higher education. FDPs are conducted regularly in the institute for improving the teaching skills of all faculty members. Faculty members are also motivated to join FDP organized by, ATAL FDP, NPTEL-AICTE FDP and other esteemed Universities and Institutions. They are also encouraged to join various courses, seminars, conferences, webinars, experts’ lectures, etc. organized by industries and institutions.


The following faculty development initiatives have been taken by the institute:

1. Faculty members are motivated to participate as resource persons in Workshops / Seminars/ Conferences organized by external professional organisation.
2. The faculty has participated in external Workshops / Seminars / Conferences recognized by national/ international professional bodies
3. Faculty presented papers in Workshops / Seminars / Conferences conducted or recognized by professional organisation.
4. Faculty members are sponsored for attending conferences abroad and within India.
5. Faculty members are granted leave with for Ph.D. course work and for writing Ph.D. thesis.
6. The faculty members are allowed to use the Institute’s infrastructure for their research work.

Academic Audit

The Academic Audit is conducted every year. The audit is conducted by a committee constituted by the Dean of the Institute. The scope of the audit includes:

1. Course files
2. Lecture Plans
3. Actual Delivery
4. Assignments
5. Tutorial Sheets
6. Result Analysis
7. UT1, UT2 and PUT
8. Maintenance of Proper Records
9. Conference workshop attended by the faculty
10. Book/Book Chapters written

There are various initiatives that Rajshree Institute of Management & Technology, Bareilly has put in to practice to improve teaching & learning quality in the classroom are as follows:

Introduce technology in the classroom: Faculty members use videos, free online resources and other digital tools which can be easily implemented in their classroom. Young students are more adept with technological skills, so by integrating technology into the classroom, we instantly help our students learn better and faster.

Personalize the learning experience of the students: Personalized learning combines face-to-face teaching with technology-assisted instruction and student collaboration to leverage each student’s learning style and interests. The final aim is to create a stimulating learning experience for all involved.

Involve Parents: The best teachers do not teach in isolation, but they work with the students, keeping parents involved and informed at all times. Rajshree Institute keep the parents updated on their ward’s performance.

Empower students to be active learners: Faculty members ask the students to engage in the class room through various activities which includes student collaboration, asking students to analyses case studies, debates and discussing new ideas both during lectures and homework, etc.

Continuous focus on faculty development
FDPs are conducted regularly in the institute for improving the teaching skills of all
faculty members. Faculty members are also motivated to join FDP organized by
NPTEL-AICTE FDP and other esteemed Universities and Institutions. They are also
encouraged to join various courses, seminars, conferences, webinars, experts
lectures, etc. organized by industries and institutions.

Academic Calendar

The academic calendar has been made and aligned with University academic
calendar. Apart from this the events proposed by the university in academic calendar,
Institute has introduced many other events which are useful in overall development of
the students.

Maintenance of Course files:
For every course, a course file is maintained by the subject faculty.

Lecture method and Interactive learning: The College uses chalk, chalkboards and
audio visual aids in teaching. Students are also encouraged to actually interact during
the lecture, asking questions on the spot, use of teachers Models and diagrams for
interactive learning.

Project-based learning: Real time projects are provided to the students and they are
guided by the faculty members.

SMART class Room: The content of the lecture are provided by the smart classes on
the projector. Live sessions are also effective by using the projector. Following are
some extra pedagogical initiatives taken by the department in addition to Chalk and
Talk, Lectures, Assignments, Power Point Presentation, and Tutorials:

  • Role Play
  • Visual Chart
  • Interaction with live example from industries
  • E-content
  • Group Projects
  • Extra lab activities beyond the syllabus
  • Seminar
  • Conferences
  • Webinars
  • Guest Lectures
  • Alumni Interaction
  • Problem solving by simulation
  • Case studies
  • MOOCs
  • Business Simulation
  • Management Games

Teaching-Learning Process (Click to view)